Simon Jacques Rochard De Nantes Paintings

Simon Jacques Rochard, born in Nantes, France, on 16th April 1788, was a French portrait miniaturist whose career spanned the late 18th and well into the 19th century. Rochard's formative years coincided with a period of political turmoil in France, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars, which undoubtedly influenced his life and work.

Initially trained by his father, who was also an artist, Rochard showed considerable promise from a young age. His education was furthered in Paris where he studied under renowned artists of the time. Rochard's talents were soon recognized, and by his early twenties, he was already receiving commissions from notable individuals.

Rochard specialized in miniature portraits, a popular art form during the 18th and 19th centuries, especially before the advent of photography. His miniatures were often created using watercolor on ivory, a common medium for miniaturists due to its smooth surface and durability. These portraits were typically encased in lockets or small frames and worn as jewelry or kept as mementos. Rochard's style was characterized by meticulous attention to detail and a capacity to capture the essence of his sitters.

His career took him across Europe, and eventually, he settled in London around 1815. There, he established himself as a sought-after portraitist within British society. Rochard's clientele included aristocracy and the burgeoning middle class, who desired to have their likenesses captured by a master of the miniature portrait. He exhibited at the Royal Academy and gained a reputation for his refined style and the quality of his work.

Rochard continued to work and live in England for the majority of his career. However, he remained connected to his French roots and occasionally returned to France. His works are now held in various collections, both private and public, including institutions such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Musée du Louvre in Paris.

Simon Jacques Rochard passed away on 2nd September 1872 in Paris. His legacy is that of a skilled miniaturist who captured the faces of an era. Although he may not be as widely recognized as some of his contemporaries, Rochard's contribution to the art of miniature painting is significant, and his works continue to be appreciated by art historians and collectors alike.