Cornelis Johannes Van Der Aa Paintings

Cornelis Johannes van der Aa was a Dutch writer who is not primarily known for his visual art but for his extensive work as an author and bookseller. Born on September 22, 1792, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, he embarked on a career that would see him producing a variety of writings, including historical works, biographies, and compilations of legal records.

Van der Aa's career was not limited to writing; he was also an active bookseller and publisher, which was a common combination of trades in the 19th century. His bibliographic work is perhaps his most enduring contribution to the field of literature and history. Among his notable works is the 'Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden', which was a biographical dictionary of the Netherlands containing the lives of significant figures in Dutch history, literature, and arts. The dictionary is still referenced for information on historical Dutch figures.

Despite the focus on his written works, there is little information about Van der Aa as a visual artist. It is possible that there might be some confusion with another artist of a similar name or that his artistic endeavors were not well documented or have not survived the test of time. What is clear, however, is that his contributions to Dutch literature and historical documentation were significant and continue to be recognized by historians and bibliophiles.

Cornelis Johannes van der Aa passed away on March 21, 1857, in the city of Gorinchem. His written legacy, which includes a multitude of texts on a variety of subjects, remains a valuable source of historical knowledge and provides insight into the cultural and intellectual landscape of the Netherlands during his lifetime.