D Fernando Ii Paintings

Dom Fernando II, born Ferdinand August Franz Anton on October 29, 1816, was not a professional artist by trade but a patron of the arts and a king consort. He was the husband of Queen Maria II of Portugal, making him the king consort of Portugal from his marriage in 1836 until his wife's death in 1853. Fernando was born in Vienna, Austria, as a prince of the German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry.

Although he was not a sovereign king himself, Fernando played an influential role in the cultural development of Portugal during his time. He was a passionate supporter of the arts and was instrumental in fostering a renaissance of Portuguese culture during the 19th century. His personal interests included music, painting, and the collection of fine arts.

As a patron, Fernando II commissioned numerous public works and was involved in the construction and renovation of several iconic Portuguese landmarks. One of his most significant contributions was the completion of the Pena Palace in Sintra, which is now considered one of the seven wonders of Portugal and a prime example of 19th-century Romanticism in architecture.

After the death of his wife Queen Maria II, Fernando never remarried, though he did have a relationship with the opera singer Elisa Hensler, who was later ennobled as Countess of Edla. During his later years, Fernando continued his patronage of the arts and remained an influential figure in the cultural landscape of Portugal. He died on December 15, 1885, in Lisbon, Portugal.

While Dom Fernando II might not be remembered primarily as an artist, his legacy in the arts as a patron and cultural influencer remains significant in the history of Portugal. His contributions to the architectural and cultural fabric of the nation are still appreciated today.