Edith Scannell Paintings

Edith Scannell was a British painter known for her delicate flower paintings, landscapes, and occasional portraits. Born in 1852, Scannell became active in the art scene during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a period that was marked by significant changes in the art world, including the rise of impressionism and post-impressionism. However, her work remained rooted in the traditions of the Victorian era, focusing on the beauty of the natural world and the serenity of domestic life.

Scannell's artistic talents were recognized early on, and she was encouraged to develop her skills. She often exhibited her work at prominent institutions such as the Royal Academy and the Society of British Artists, which was a testament to her abilities and the recognition she garnered during her career. Her paintings were appreciated for their attention to detail, vibrant colors, and the ability to capture the ephemeral qualities of her floral subjects.

Despite the fact that women artists faced significant challenges in the art world during her time, Scannell managed to carve out a space for herself and her work. She was part of a generation of women artists who began to gain more recognition for their contributions to the field of art.

Throughout her life, Scannell remained dedicated to her craft, and continued to paint well into her later years. She passed away in 1940, leaving behind a body of work that continues to be appreciated by art enthusiasts for its charm and technical proficiency. Her legacy is reflective of the talents of female artists in an era that was often dominated by their male counterparts, and her work provides insight into the domestic and natural aesthetics valued during the Victorian period.