Follower of Bodmer Karl Paintings

Karl Bodmer, known for his detailed illustrations of the American West, was a Swiss-French artist who accompanied German explorer Prince Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied on his North American expedition from 1832 to 1834. While Bodmer himself was born on February 11, 1809, and died on October 30, 1893, you've referred to a 'Follower of Bodmer Karl,' which suggests you're inquiring about an artist who was influenced by Karl Bodmer's work.

As a follower rather than a direct contemporary, such an artist would likely have lived during or after Bodmer's time, potentially into the late 19th or early 20th century. These followers would have been artists or illustrators who were inspired by Bodmer's technique, subject matter, and style, particularly his ethnographic accuracy and his landscape depictions of the American frontier.

However, without a specific name, it's challenging to provide a detailed biography. Followers of Bodmer's style would have continued the tradition of documenting the landscapes and peoples of the American West and may have contributed to the romanticizing and preservation of these images in the European imagination. They could have been part of the larger movement of ethnographic art that sought to record the cultures and environments that were rapidly changing due to Western expansion and industrialization.

Since there isn't a well-documented artist known as 'Follower of Bodmer Karl,' it's difficult to provide exact birth and death dates, or a comprehensive biography. If you can provide more specific information or the name of a particular artist, I would be happy to share more detailed insights into their life and work.