Isabel Hickey Paintings

Isabel M. Hickey was not a traditional artist but a highly influential figure in the world of astrology, which can be considered an art form by some for its creative interpretation of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs. Born in 1903, she became one of the most respected astrologers of the 20th century, known for her blend of psychological and spiritual approaches to astrology, long before it became mainstream to do so. Her work bridged traditional astrology with the emerging interests in spirituality and psychology, making her a pioneering figure in bringing a deeper, more introspective approach to the astrological practices of her time.

Hickey's contributions to astrology are vast, but she is perhaps best remembered for her seminal book, 'Astrology, A Cosmic Science,' first published in 1970. This book is considered a classic in astrological literature and has been instrumental in teaching generations of astrologers. It encapsulates her innovative approach to astrology, combining traditional astrological teachings with modern psychological insights, and spiritual wisdom, making astrology accessible and relevant to a modern audience. Her interpretations were grounded in the belief that astrology could be used as a tool for personal growth and understanding, rather than mere prediction, emphasizing the karmic and spiritual dimensions of an individual's birth chart.

Throughout her life, Hickey also contributed to the astrological community through her teaching and counseling, helping to foster a new generation of astrologers who approached the field with a similar blend of psychological depth and spiritual insight. Despite passing away in 1980, Isabel Hickey's legacy lives on through her writings and the many astrologers she influenced, who continue to regard her as a foundational figure in the evolution of modern astrology. Her life's work demonstrated a profound belief in the interconnectedness of all things and the ability of astrology to reveal the spiritual underpinnings of the human experience.