Josef Johann Suss Paintings

Josef Johann Süss is not a widely recognized figure in the field of art history, and there seems to be some confusion regarding his identity. It is possible that you might be referring to someone whose name has been incorrectly transcribed or who may not be well-documented in the annals of art history. The name bears resemblance to Joseph Süss Oppenheimer, also known as 'Jew Süss,' who was a financier and not an artist, and lived in the 18th century. However, he is not known for any contributions to art.

Given the birth year you provided, if Josef Johann Süss is indeed an artist born in 1955, his biography would likely detail his life and career in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. However, without more specific information about his nationality, artistic style, medium, or any notable works, it is challenging to provide a detailed biography.

If Josef Johann Süss has been active in the art world, one would expect him to have possibly received formal art education, perhaps participating in various exhibitions, and possibly contributing to the contemporary art scene. It's also conceivable that he might have experimented with various styles and media depending on the prevailing artistic trends of the late 20th century, such as abstract expressionism, minimalism, conceptual art, or digital art.

Unfortunately, without more concrete details or context, it is not possible to give a comprehensive biography of Josef Johann Süss. It might be helpful to verify the name and any other pertinent information that could lead to a more accurate and informative biography.