Jules Adolphe Goupil Paintings

Unfortunately, there is no widely recognized artist by the name of Jules Adolphe Goupil within the common art historical record up to the knowledge cutoff in early 2023. This could mean that the artist may either be a lesser-known figure not well documented in widely available art history resources, or the name might have been misspelled or confused with another artist. One possibility is that you might be referring to Jules Adolphe Goupil, also known as Jules Goupil (1839–1883), who was a French painter and illustrator. However, given the lack of specific information on the artist you've mentioned, it is challenging to provide a detailed biography. If you were referring to the mentioned French artist or another artist with a similar name, please provide additional details or correct the name so that a more accurate biography can be provided. Alternatively, if you are seeking information on a specific artwork or event connected to the name Jules Adolphe Goupil, please provide that context for a more focused response.