Percy John D. Smith Paintings

Percy John Delf Smith, commonly known as P.J.D. Smith, was an English artist, engraver, and typographer, known for his exquisite craftsmanship in lettering and book illustration. Born on August 28, 1880, in Islington, London, Smith demonstrated a keen interest in art from a young age. He pursued formal education in the arts at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London, where he was influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement, an international trend in the decorative and fine arts that stood for traditional craftsmanship using simple forms and often applied medieval, romantic, or folk styles of decoration.

Smith's career was marked by a dedication to the art of engraving and illustration. He developed a reputation for his skillful lettering and his ability to infuse traditional techniques with a modern sensibility. Throughout his career, he worked on numerous book projects, providing decorative initials, borders, and illustrations that were highly regarded for their beauty and precision. Smith also contributed to the revival of the art of calligraphy in England, and his works were instrumental in preserving the craft during a time when mechanization was rapidly changing the print industry.

In addition to his book illustrations, Smith was a respected designer of inscriptions, war memorials, and his work in this area is remembered for its solemn beauty and profound respect for the subjects it commemorated. Smith's contribution to the arts also extended to teaching; he taught at the Royal College of Art in London, where he influenced a new generation of artists and engravers. His legacy is seen in the continued appreciation for traditional engraving and calligraphy techniques among artists and typographers.

P.J.D. Smith passed away on April 3, 1948. His work remains a testament to the artistry of engraving and the enduring appeal of well-crafted lettering. He is remembered not only for his contributions to the visual arts but also for his role in the education and preservation of traditional graphic arts techniques.