Pericles Spiridonovich Ksidias Paintings

I should inform you that, as of my last update in 2023, there is no widely recognized artist by the name of Pericles Spiridonovich Ksidias in the field of art history. It is possible that you might be referring to a less-known or emerging artist, or perhaps the name might be misspelled or confused with another artist. Art historical records primarily consist of figures who have made a significant impact on the art world, are discussed in academic texts, or have works that are held in museum collections. If Pericles Spiridonovich Ksidias is a contemporary artist, there may be limited information available, or the individual may not yet have gained prominence in art historical discourse. If you have more information or context about this artist, such as a time period, nationality, or specific works, I could attempt to provide more assistance. Alternatively, if you are looking for information on a different artist, please provide the correct name, and I would be happy to help with the information available up to my last update in 2023.